Prices & Currency

Prices shown on the Website are in EUR (Euros) and are inclusive of VAT.

Sometimes, prices are subject to change due to currency exchange rate changes and other commercial factors. The price applicable to your order will be the price current at the time your order is accepted.

Customers purchasing from a country served as DDP will incur relevant import duty and tax. These costs are included in the final purchase price. Customers purchasing from a country served as DDU will be charged for the items purchased and shipping costs only. Import duty or tax costs will be invoiced to you directly from DHL/FEDEX or an import broker appointed by you. We recommend you contact your local Customs Office to determine a landed cost price prior to purchase completion.

If you are a customer whose credit/debit card is not denominated in EUR (Euros), the final price will be calculated in accordance with the applicable exchange rate on the day your card issuer processes the transaction.

Regardless of your shopping destination and the currency you shop in, your purchase may be processed by one of our regional affiliate companies in which case your bank may charge you an international transaction fee. ANNAMILAN is not responsible for any such fee or charge.